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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-05
Child Migration and Communication for the Prevention of Risk Factors
Kahou Albert Djebi, Yao Kouakou Daniel, Soro Fona
Published: May 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2019.v07i05.008
Pages: 356–365
The issue of migration and child labor has been focusing attention both in public debates and media processing in the recent years, owing to its multiple deleterious effects. Côte d'Ivoire, a country of western Africa, like Western countries, face internal migration of children from the hinterland countries. The objective of our study is to provide an alternative approach to the phenomenon in terms of communication strategy to improve the condition of migrant children, after carrying out a critical analysis of their current condition and the struggle initiatives by the various actors. The qualitative study takes place in the cities of Bouaké and Ouangolo. The methodological protocol includes an interview guide and life story accounts. The thematic content analysis allows for an exploitation all these discourse materials. The main results arrived at indicate that the lack of information on the rights of children, the weight of culture, the impact of parental illiteracy and the drop-out of children perpetuate the phenomenon of migrant children. Therefore, strong social actions backed by communication campaigns (IEC / CCC / CCC)[ ] that integrate these contextualized elements can help to solve this problem.