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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-06
Strategies for Pre-Primary Educators to Early Literacy Development: Case of Selected Private Pre-Schools in Chamwino District-Dodoma Tanzania
Erick Elias Sele*, Karen May Balawag
Published: June 21, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2019.v07i06.001
Pages: 372–380
This study investigated the strategies for private preschool educators to early Literacy development in the context of Tanzanian Pre-primary education. The study used a qualitative research approach within the case study design where Interviews with early school educators, inspectorate officials, heads of early schools and parents, focus group discussions and observation using an observation check list as well as documents obtained concerning early literacy were used to gather data. The major findings of the study indicated that, the pre-school educators conceptualize early literacy as the earliest stage of education to prepare a child to start well in the Early Childhood Education before proceeding to standard one. Different strategies were deployed in this study which includes; involving learners to integrate activities of speaking, listening, reading, writing and mathematics and parents should emphasize children on the mastery of literacy and numeracy skills. This study recommends that, early literacy should be understood as the first stage of education and a preliquesite to standard one then the Pre-school educators are advised to use cardboards or cloth books concerning daily life, family members, animals or food, read interesting and conceptually rich stories to children, create literacy rich environment to teach reading, writing, numeracy, mathematics and outdoor plays also the government of Tanzania should educate more teachers of early literacy and employ them.