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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-06
Building an Effective Church Music in Nigeria: The Role of a Music Director
Folorunso David JAYEOLA*
Published: June 26, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2019.v07i06.002
Pages: 381–386
Music performance has always been an area to determine the standard or efficiency of the church in worship. Since political independence in Nigeria many changes have been witnessed in our churches. The number and size of churches in Nigeria have grown phenomenally. The music heard during church services has moved from almost exclusive of Western hymn to an ever- widening use of indigenous and scripture based choruses, indigenous choral anthems, and 20th century hymn and gospel songs. Since the evolution of new generation churches in Nigeria there is need for more music directors or choir master as the case may be. Today, so many appointed Music Director of some of our churches in Nigeria havelittle or no attributes of good music leadership and musicianship, and all that it entails to handle the position effectively for the growth and development of church music. This paper therefore, reviews church music as mind elevating medium of worship, themusic director/qualities and the differences between church music and liturgical music in Nigeria.