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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-12 | Issue-08
Genetic Diversity of Red Onion Using Microsatellite (SSRs) Markers
Boukari Habsatou, Pierre Broum, Laurence Bellanger, Dominique Crouzillat
Published: Sept. 27, 2024 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36347/sajb.2024.v12i08.007
Pages: 278-284
Onion is one of the most widely grown vegetable crops, but also one of the least genetically characterized. It is diploid (2n=16) and allogamous, which makes its selection program a little more demanding. Molecular markers make selection easier. The variability of individual phenotypes is a peculiarity of the living world. Some of these variations are expressed at the phenotypic level (morphology, physiology, behavior, etc.), while others are hidden, and their detection requires the use of adapted techniques (variability of proteins or DNA sequences). For this purpose, 23 onion varieties collected by INRAN (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) from Niger and the three onion powder mixes received from R&D Nestlé Abidjan. The genetic analysis was performed using molecular markers (SSRs). The results demonstrated a large inter variability in the onion varieties obtained from INRAN collection. An equivalent source of genetic diversity is also observed inside the main number of these varieties expertized.