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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-07
Intertextuality: A Comparisson of Kifo Kisimani and Mstahiki Meya Kiswahili Plays
Dave Bowen*
Published: July 30, 2019 | 129 128
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2019.v07i07.014
Pages: 515-519
This paper aimed to establish the existence of intertextuality between the two Kiswahili plays. These plays are Kifo Kisimani (2006) and Mstahiki Meya (2009). The analysis is based on the theory of intertextuality as advanced by Mikhael Bakhtin (1895-1975). One of the intertextuality tenets is that there is no original literary work. One literary text is a reflection of another text. The two Kiswahili plays were selected purposively. Data was collected in the library. The two plays were read and relevant data extracted, analyzed and conclusion drawn. Intertextuality can exist at different levels in texts, for example, it can be through form, structure, vocabularies, stylistic devices and themes. In this study, I have concentrated on themes only. The themes which resemble each other from the two plays were discussed and compared based on the existence of intertextuality. This paper has demonstrated that Kifo Kisimani and Mstahiki Meya have a lot of resemblance between the two plays at thematic level. The authors of Kifo Kisimani and Mstahiki Meya have developed the same themes in their respective literary works. This shows that intertextuality is an important way of enriching the author’s literary work.