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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-07
Research on Financing of American Higher Education under the Perspective of Cost Sharing
Youjing Xu*
Published: July 30, 2019 | 121 125
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2019.v07i07.016
Pages: 528-532
This paper analyzes the roles of government, students and society in the financing process of higher education in the United States in the principle of benefit-sharing in the cost-sharing theory. The government mainly provides financial support and project support as the main financial support for higher education. Students take differential tuition fees based on economic conditions. The society mainly focuses on donations from selective research universities through individual or group donations. The success of American higher education financing is inseparable from the reasonable cost sharing of the three subjects. Drawing on its successful experience, it can provide an experience for the higher education financing in China.