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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-08
Marwari Community and Their Contribution in Economic Development of North-Eastern Bihar
Jay Lakshmi, Pawan Kumar Jha, Sanjib Kumar*
Published: Aug. 30, 2019 | 179 185
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2019.v07i08.009
Pages: 597-601
Marwaris are the leading business community who dominates in business in whole India. They are immigrant traders from Marwar, Shekhawati and adjoining regions of Rajasthan and Haryana. They have been migrated to different parts of the country and abroad too to establish and spread their business and now they have been permanently residing there. Their migration started since 19th century mainly due to conflicts between Rajput and Mughal emperors which were affecting their trades badly. In this connection they also reached to North-Eastern (N-E) regions of Bihar for trade purpose mainly. They put their concentration to establish themselves in trades in this region. After feeling secured they brought their families, relatives and neighbours too to establish in this new area. Their main aim was to bring these known people to flourish in trades. Slowly they became mixed with the local people and gradually started to play an effective role in commerce, trades, culture and politics too of this region. They have been well adapted to the local languages, customs, dresses and culture besides maintaining their own cultural identity. Besides establishing various trades they have also established several large and small scale industries in N-E Bihar and generated a large scope of employments for the local people. The present paper deals with the role of Marwari community in the economic development of N-E Bihar.