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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-08
Diasporic Experience in the Production and Distribution of Nigerian Film: The UK Experiment
Julius-Adeoye ‘Rantimi Jays *, Gabriel Adekola Oyewo
Published: Aug. 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2019.v07i08.010
Pages: 602-606
As the hunger for Nigerian video film grew among the diaspora audience, especially in Europe and the United States of America, so, the desire of Nigerians in these areas to make film. Especially the films that reflect their living experiences in the new found land, and when necessary, merge it with narratives that project Nigeria’s different social culture. In recent years, there has been an upsurge in the numbers of video film produced by Nigerians living in the United Kingdom. These films employ Nigerian narrative, feature some Nigerian based actors and in most cases are screened in cinemas in London and major cities of Nigeria. This paper looks how Nigerian films produce in the United Kingdom follow filmic tradition associated with the home country. It will also look at the distribution methods adopted by the producers of the films both in the UK and in Nigeria, while at the same time exploring the place of social media and Internet television sites in this area. This is necessary because the advent of Internet and mobile applications technology since the last decade, has made Nigerian video film a major beneficiary of globalization as they are now available freely and on subscription based Internet sites for its ever widening diasporic audience.