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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-08
Emotions and Politics: Educational Implications
Anna Maria Passaseo*
Published: Aug. 30, 2019 | 177 151
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2019.v07i08.012
Pages: 611-614
The fact that emotions – and not reason – are at the basis of our choices and our social and political action is today widely proven and recognized in many areas of knowledge: from neuroscience to psychology, from biology to philosophy and sociology. However, it is a fact equally evident also the manipulation of emotions by politics: we need only think of the “social construction” of fear on immigration issue, or disgust on the topic of sexual orientation. Knowing the value of emotions and, at the same time, knowing the danger of apathy, of emotional indifference, for a healthy democratic life is an educational responsibility, if it is true that the vitality of a democratic society depends on how its citizens were educated. In Italy, civic education has always been lacking and has not been able to define its objectives well. The result has been increasing electoral abstention and political disinterest on the part of young people. Understanding the role that emotions play in the active involvement of the younger generations in the socio-political problems that affect them can help education to build more effective political education projects.