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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-12
Female Pre-Service Teachers’ Perspectives on Leadership Styles
Justin Sudhakar P, A. Paul Albert
Published: Dec. 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2019.v07i12.004
Pages: 822-831
Leadership is a quality or character of a leader to influence an individual who are in the group and make them to work towards the aim and development of their institutions. In educational context, teacher act as a leader and influence their students to attain desired result. The present study tries to explore female pre-service teachers’ perceptions about their leadership styles during internship. One hundred and thirty-two second year trainee teachers participated in this study. Quantitative data were collected through survey questionnaire and focus group discussion was used to collect qualitative data. Descriptive statistics were employed to examine perception about leadership styles. The triangulated results evidenced that female pre-service teachers have reflected democratic leadership style. A democratic teacher can delegate responsibility among their students to facilitate participation in teaching and learning activities. Also, the present study implicated that policy makers and educationists should consider adding leadership as a part of practicum in the curriculum of teacher education programme.