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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-12 | Issue-09 Call for paper
Pharmacological Advances in Glaucoma Management
Dr. Mouazzar Yusuf Thani Ibraheem, Dr. Jamila Al Ali Alhasan
Published: Oct. 7, 2024 | 85 49
Pages: 301-310
Glaucoma is the leading cause of global irreversible blindness, with clinical diagnosis related to population-based low vision standards and subsequently to diminished vision-related quality of life. The main objective of the present study is to review the updates regarding pharmacological advances in glaucoma management. Pharmacological management to reduce intraocular pressure and inflammation and improve retinal ganglion cell survival has a significant impact on the overall management of glaucoma. The changes in the therapeutic pipelines include the targeting of both traditional and novel molecules. New medications in the offing either improve the already established targets or focus on newer avenues to confer better anti-glaucomatous effects with minimal side effects.