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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-10 | Issue-11
Post-traumatic Duodenal Perforation: A Case Report and Literature Review
Kada Ali, Bahou Khaoula, El Mouatassim Zakaria, Chaouni Adil, Yahya Khedid, Mohamed Elabsi, El Mahjoub Echarrab, El Hassan El Faricha Alami, Mohamed El Ouanani
Published: Nov. 12, 2024 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36347/sasjs.2024.v10i11.011
Pages: 1240-1243
Duodenal trauma is rare, but it is increasingly observed due to the rise in car accidents and violent events. It is associated with significant mortality and morbidity rates. Given its complex anatomy, the diagnosis of duodenal injuries remains difficult. These injuries are often associated with multiple major intra-abdominal vascular and solid organ injuries. The surgical management of duodenal trauma remains challenging.