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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-10 | Issue-11
Pathologies of the Peritoneo-Vaginal Canal in Children in General Surgery at the Reference Health Center of Community IV of Bamako Mali
Guiré Abdou, Dianessy Yély, Dembelé B. Souleymane, Samaké Moussa, Yede Dorcasse, L. S, Karambé Boubacar, Traoré Moussa, Traoré Tiemoko, Dembelé Brehima
Published: Nov. 27, 2024 | 86 68
Pages: 1328-1331
Introduction: Peritoneal-vaginal canal (PVC) pathologies are very common in infants. They are not uncommon in newborns, especially in cases of prematurity. The clinical diagnosis of an inguinal hernia is made when an inguinal or inguinoscrotal swelling appears during crying or pushing efforts. Methodology: We carried out a prospective and descriptive study in the general surgery department of the Reference Health Center (CSREF) of Commune IV of Bamako (Mali), over the period of 2 years from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018 and it involved 43 patients. This allowed us to collect information directly at the patient's bedside and to participate in the care ourselves. Results: From January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018, in 2 years 1208 patients were consulted; with 805 operated on including 43 cases of CPV pathologies, i.e. 3.55% of hospital frequencies and 5.34% of surgical interventions. Middle age of patients was 3.48± 2.67 years. The pathology was discovered during linen changes in 55.8%. Intermittent inguinal swelling was the majority reason for consultation, 76.7% of cases. PCPV was asymptomatic in 39 patients. Simple inguinal hernia was the diagnosis retained in 76.74% of cases. All patients were operated on using the Pott method. Conclusion: Pathologies of the peritoneovaginal canal represented a hospital frequency of 3.55% in our study. Hernia is the most represented of CPV pathologies followed by hydrocele. The Pott technique was performed in all our patients. The evolution was simple in 97.67% of cases.