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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-10 | Issue-12
The Prevalence and Particularities of Psychiatric Comorbidity
H. Rharbaoui, N. Kissa, L. Achour, A. Ouanass
Published: Dec. 4, 2024 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36347/sasjm.2024.v10i12.002
Pages: 1361-1368
Among the most widespread resistance factors of psychiatric disorders, psychiatric comorbidities occupy an important place, they represent a major problem in the field of mental health. It is the coexistence, in the same individual, of at least two mental disorders. 56% of patients who suffer from a mental health problem have been affected at least once in their life by another problem of this nature. These problems can appear at different times or at the same time. Some people sometimes suffer from three or more comorbid disorders. The clinical picture motivating the consultation, can hide other disorders less visible at first glance. Whether it is anxiety disorders comorbid with depression, personality disorders that are the bed of decompensations of different types, or addictive disorders interfering with the psychiatric picture, these situations often pose a problem for the practitioner, and deserve special attention from the first consultation, in order to adapt the treatment by taking into consideration these comorbidities, both clinically and therapeutically. In this work, we will evaluate the comorbidities in patients consulting at the Arrazi hospital in Salé, trying to establish a profile of the most comorbid disorders, in order to raise awareness among practitioners about the simultaneous detection and management of these disorders.