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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-10 | Issue-12
Infraclinical Breast Cancer about a Case
Dr Khalid Lghamour, Pr Zaki Elhanchi, Pr Hafid Hachi
Published: Dec. 10, 2024 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36347/sasjs.2024.v10i12.006
Pages: 1378-1390
Infraclinical breast cancer is a cancerous lesion discovered incidentally during mammography for another reason, or during routine screening, when clinical examination of the breasts and lymph nodes is normal. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, and is a general disease for which there is currently no means of primary prevention, since its etiology is multifactorial and not completely understood. Early detection of breast cancer is of paramount importance in reducing the high death rate from this condition. Mammography remains the most sensitive and specific examination for detecting subclinical breast cancer. The management of patients with infraclinical mammographic abnormalities requires close collaboration between the radiologist, cytopathologist and surgeon. Surgical treatment of these infraclinical forms is mainly conservative. We report the case of a 59-year-old patient who, on mammography performed as part of the pink october screening campaign, presented with ACR type C glandular-greasy breasts, a macrocalcification with a clear center in the left superior-external quadrant, and a cluster of dusty microcalcifications in this quadrant. Breast ultrasound showed a lesional area in the left superior-external quadrant measuring 84x56 mm and containing calcifications, while the clinical examination was normal, with no axillary adenopathy. Breast MRI showed a mass-like enhancement in the superior-external quadrant of the left breast measuring 10x9x16 mm. Microbiopsy of the left breast showed a nonspecific infiltrating adenocarcinoma of SBR grade II modified by Ellis and Elston, presence of an intermediate-grade intracanal component, absence of peritumoral vascular emboli. A left tumorectomy with indocyanine green fluorescence staining and excision of two left axillary sentinel lymph nodes were performed. Anatomopathological study of the surgical specimens showed a non-proliferating, non-atypical fibrocystic mastopathy with non-lesional ...