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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-13 | Issue-10
Review on Natural Treatment of Dysemohrrea
D. Abhilasha, E. Nikitha, I. Supriya
Published: Dec. 28, 2024 |
Pages: 439-445
Dysmenorrhea is known as the sever menstrual pains that are caused due to release of higher (or) lower levels of prostaglandisis. The release of prostaglandis is from sexual hormones. These Dysmenorrhea is treated through different traditional medicinal system like (Ayurveda, unnani, sidda etc). These systems are reducing pain trough different herbals. The herbals are obtain from different parts of the plants like (roots, stems, fruits. Flowering tips etc..). The herbal drugs that not only reduce the pain of the menstrual cramps but also causes many beneficial affects to the health to the females. The herbal drugs that are naturally obtained from the soil so theses are not having any sides effects in there menstrual time. These herbals having analgesic, and blocking of release of prostaglandins and decreasing the prostaglandins. These drugs reduce the pain from roots of cause. The herbals a play main and important role in reducing the menstrual cramps and menstrual mood. These drugs are helps to reset the mood of the females and theses natural drugs will cure the menstrual cramps for roots of cause.