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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-10 | Issue-12
Comparison between Analyte Results Obtained by two Very Common HPLC Systems Used in Haemoglobinopathies: Evaluation Done at Metropolis a Referral Laboratory in Kolkata, India
Dr Subhasish Saha, Dr Dipanjan Rakshit
Published: Dec. 28, 2024 | 75 53
Pages: 1437-1443
Thalassemia is a heterogenous group of disorders caused by inherited mutations that decrease the synthesis of adult hemoglobin, HbA, (α2β2). The two α chains in HbA are encoded by an identical pair of α globin genes on chromosome 16 while the β chain are encoded by single β globin gene on chromosome 11. Β thalassemia is caused by deficient synthesis of β chain, whereas α thalassemia is caused by deficient synthesis of α chain. Alkaline hemoglobin electrophoresis is a common first step in confirmation of hemoglobinopathies. Electrophoresis is based on the separation of hemoglobin molecules in an electric field primarily because of differences in total molecular charge. HPLC and capillary electrophoresis are gaining in popularity because these methods are more automated, the instruments are more user friendly, and they can be used to confirm hemoglobin variants observed with electrophoresis. The two most common instrumentations used for identification of Hb electrophoresis are Bio-Rad D10 and Tosoh G11. This study is used to find out the comparison of Haemoglobin electrophoresis between Bio-Rad and Tosoh.