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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-13 | Issue-01
Estimated Volumes of Water Pumped for Onion Production on the Tamaské and Tabalak Sites (Tahoua-Niger)
Yerima Bako Djibo Aboubacar, Illa Salifou, Abdou Yahaya
Published: Jan. 16, 2025 | 97 46
Pages: 130-136
This study was carried out on the Tamaské and Tabalak sites from October 2023 to March 2024. The objective is to evaluate the quantities of water pumped for onion production. To do this, the methodology we adopted consisted of first identifying 5 irrigators per site who have not yet started the nursery. At each site, we set up with these operators five (5) nurseries of 6m2 (3mX2m) of onion of the purple Galmi variety due to one nursery per operator. For each site, with financial and material support (10 stopwatches) from a local NGO, we hired 5 out-of-school villagers (who know how to read and write well) and who were introduced to the flow measurements of a motor pump and filling the plugs with the volumes of water pumped. Each villager was responsible for measuring the flow rates and volumes of water pumped from a given nursery and from the onion beds of an irrigator until the end of the onion's vegetative cycle. The estimation of the volumes of water pumped (Vep) per hectare and per producer was made by using empirical formulas. During the nursery phase, to create a climate of trust with irrigators and better understand how the site works, we carried out a small survey on the method of land acquisition, the areas planted with onions, the type of energy used…etc. Through this investigation and depending on the number of irrigators included, 120 onion producers were surveyed, including 70 from the Tamaské market gardening site and 50 from Tabalak. At the end of the work, the results obtained after the analysis of the data show that the quantity of water increases according to the phenological stages of the crop and varies from one period to another. At these study sites, the water sources remain the boreholes with the motor pump as the means of pumping. To estimate the volumes of water pumped, at each irrigation and for each irrigator chosen, a plastic bucket was used at the delivery pipe of the motor pump. At the level of each irrigator, the initiated villager equ