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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-11 | Issue-03 Call for paper
A Rare Case of Closed Talar Body Fracture Associated with Medial Malleolus Fracture: A Case Report and Littérature Review
M. A. Zeroual, A. Achkoun, M. Habbab, M. Elkasseh, M. Nassiri, H. Elhaoury, M. Madhar, R. Chafik
Published: March 12, 2025 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36347/sasjs.2025.v11i03.017
Pages: 341-345
Introduction: Ankle fractures are common, talar fractures are rare. The combination of talar body fracture with medial malleolus fracture is exceptionnal. Case presentation: We presented a case of a twenty seven years old male who sustained a closed trauma of the right ankle due to traffic accident. After stabilsation with back plastred splint, patient then underwent open reduction surgery of the medial malleolus using K-wires associated with tension band wiring and screw fixation of the talar fracture. Discussion: This report outlines the potential diffculties in diagnosting such an unuasual fracture combination. Trough this case, we aim to emphasize the importance of maintaining a high level of suspicion regarding potential underlying fractures in ankle injuries. Conclusion: Despite the exceptionnal combination of talar body fractures and medial malleolus fractures, medial malleolus fracture would preserve vascular branches of the deltoid ligament therefore limit the risk of necrosis and the medial approache of medial malleolus provides anatomical reduction of the talar fracture. The patient presented was able to fully recover to normal activity.