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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-02
Polymorphisms in Intron 2 of Growth Hormone Gene and Their Associations with Economic Traits in Muscovy, Pekin, and Mulard Ducks
Asmaa W. Zaglool, Fardos A.M. Hassan, Elshimaa M. Roushdy, Amir H. Abd-Elfatah
Published: Feb. 27, 2020 | 159 108
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2020.v07i02.004
Pages: 41-46
This study aimed to determine the effects of genetic variability or polymorphisms in intron 2 of the GH gene in three duck populations—Muscovy, Pekin, and Mulard. We employed PCR–RFLP to detect the various genotypes and studied their associations with important economic traits, such as body, dressing, breast, and thigh weights. Two alleles, GHT and GHC, and three genotypes, GH/TT, GH/CT, and GH/CC, were identified in ducks at the locus, GH/BsmFI. In all duck populations, the frequency of allele T was higher than that of allele C and the most frequent genotype was GH/TT. All three genotypes were detected in Pekin ducks; whereas, only GH/TT and GH/CT genotypes were observed in Muscovy and Mulard ducks. Ducks with GH/TT genotype was superior (P < 0.001) to birds with other genotypes with respect to the body, dressing, and breast muscle weights. Muscovy ducks with GH/TT genotype had greater thigh weight (P < 0.001) than those with GH/CT genotype. However, no significant difference was detected for thigh weight among the three genotypes in Pekin and Mulard ducks. Based on our study, we concluded that the GH gene is an excellent genetic marker for enhancing the genetic potential of ducks for economically important traits.