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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-03
Proboscis Monkey’s Hematology Profile in South Kalimantan
Irma Padeta, Teguh Budipitojo, Rini Widayanti, Slamet Raharjo, Heri Budi Santoso, Amalia Rezeki
Published: March 19, 2020 | 167 212
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2020.v07i03.001
Pages: 56-60
Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) is one of the endemic species in Kalimantan. Nowadays, they are belonging to endangered species based on IUCN assessment. Blood examination is important for body health evaluation, especially in non-human primates where lived in a zoo, animal captive or rehabilitation center. The study was carried out to examine the hematology profile of female-juvenile proboscis monkey blood cells in Sahabat Bekantan Indonesia in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. Blood samples were collected from four female-juvenile probosci's monkey at Sahabat Bekantan Indonesia. The sample was examined for hematology and blood morphology profile. The hematology profile showed the mean of erythrocytes, the erythrocytes indices, the mean of leukocytes, the differential of leukocytes and the mean of platelets. The morphology of proboscis monkey blood cells was similar to other domestic animals, even though the shape and size were various. In conclusion, there was no blood cell abnormality and the hematology profile could be a clinical parameter for monitoring and evaluating female-juvenile proboscis monkey in the rehabilitation center.