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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-05
Genetic Factors Consequence on Productive and Reproductive Recital Traits of Kajli Sheep at Two Ecologies in Pakistan
Farmanullah, Khalid Javed, Mohammad Salim, Momen Khan, Sajid Ali, Muhammad Altaf Hussain, Sajjad Ahmad, Suliman Khan, Ihsanullah Kakar, Mehmood ul Hassan, Khalid Khan, Sakandar Khan
Published: May 9, 2020 | 184 133
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2020.v07i05.001
Pages: 82-89
The present investigation was to exhibit hereditary attributes of Kajli sheep regarding development execution in the setting of hereditary parameters. Reproduction execution record information was gathered of 13715, Kajli Sheep for the term of 1994-2010 from two homesteads and investigated. The characteristics of fixation were weight during childbirth, weight at weaning, year weight, everyday weight gain at pre-weaning, and weight of greasyfleece wool, the evaluated heritability, for example, 0.05±0.019, 0.069±0.016, 0.015±0.020, 0.056±0.016, and 0.170±0.60, separately in Kajli Sheep. The benefits of rearing estimation of sire and dam of two ranches with respect to hereditary attributes indicated huge variety. It is presumed that quality recurrence and heritability evaluations can contrast among populaces and the job of ecological conditions to which the herds were uncovered and low encouraging arrangement may likewise be in charge of low heritability for different execution characteristics. The herd may be offered advantageous apportion routinely which credit for these distinctions. It is additionally clear that enhancements in the efficiency of Kajli sheep might be accomplished through better bolstering and improved oversee managemental practices.