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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-05
Effects of Different Land Use Systems on Selected Physico-Chemical Properties of Soils in Yamaltu, Yamaltu-Deba Local Government Area, Gombe State
Ibrahim, A. K
Published: May 12, 2020 | 203 167
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2020.v07i05.002
Pages: 90-97
Information about influence of different land use systems on soil physico-chemical properties is crucial for best land management practices. Properties of soil vary with land use system over time and the knowledge of these changes is vital for sustainable food productivity. The study was conducted at Yamaltu located in Yamaltu-Deba Local Government Area of Gombe State, Nigeria, with the objective to evaluate the influence of different land use types and soil depths on nutrient status and potential changes in nutrient contents due to land use activities. Three major land use systems namely rain fed arable land, irrigated arable land and orchard land were identified, described and mapped on bases of their soils. Six composites soil samples from 0-15cm and 15-30cm were collected from each landuse type and then air dried, ground and passed through a 2mm sieve to determine physicochemical properties. Results of the experiment indicated that the soil were sandy clay loam in texture while Soil pH were slightly acidic to neutral under all landuse systems. In all landuse systems, organic carbon and total N, available P, exchangeable bases and CEC decreased with soil depth. The highest mean values of organic matter (8.2(gkg-1) and total nitrogen (1.34gkg-1) were recorded under the irrigated arable land while Available phosphorus (26.2mgkg-1), Calcium (4.6 cmolkg-1), Magnesium (0.50 cmolkg-1), Potassium (0.26 cmolkg-1), Sodium (0.21 cmolkg-1) and cation exchange capacity (12.0cCmolkg-1) were recorded under orchard land at the surface soil layer. From the results of the study it was possible to conclude that rain fed arable land and irrigated arable land had detrimental effects on the soil physico-chemical properties. Therefore, reducing intensity of cultivation, adopting integrated soil fertility management and application of organic fertilizers could maintain the existing soil condition and replenish degraded soil properties.