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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-06
Experimental Tests of Ventilation on Biomasses to be used for Energy Purpose
P. D’Antonio, V. N. Scalcione, C. D’Antonio
Published: June 6, 2020 | 155 111
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2020.v07i06.001
Pages: 107-114
The penetration of biomass into the energy market depends on precise territorial planning and the geological and soil and climatic characteristics of the area considered, potential resources, economic costs of crops and their economic and environmental benefits. In this article, tests were carried out on a plot divided into 28 rows with 251 olive trees of the CORATINA and OGLIAROLA species, using the Quickpower machine, a new-concept round baler for pruning and pruning, extremely versatile and technologically advanced. With this biomass research work, which was followed by field tests and laboratory tests lasting about 6 months, we highlighted the importance of using biomass, which represent an alternative source as they are renewable compared to to gas and oil, and they pollute less.