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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-07
Pedological Characterisation of Soils of University Farm, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria
Salem A, Sani IA, Iliya DB, Musa SA
Published: July 11, 2020 | 171 100
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2020.v07i07.002
Pages: 151-158
Pedological characterization of soils is key for land resource planning and development of soil management interventions for improving agricultural productivity. A study was conducted in University Farm to examine soil morphological, physical and chemical attributes for land use planning and determining area specific soil management strategies. A detailed soil survey was conducted using a free survey method. Three profile pits were dug at the upper, middle and lower slope positions. Hoe and hand trowel was used in collecting soil samples from identified genetic horizons. The collected soil samples were then air-dried, crushed gently and stored in well labeled polythene bags. The processed soil samples were then taken to the laboratory for analysis following standard procedure to determine the physical and chemical properties of each soil sample. The results indicated that the soils are deep to very deep and most of the soils are predominantly weak-red to pale-red in colour (7.5R 4/3 – 10R 7/3), while soil structure is observed to be dominantly sub-angular blocky in all the profiles. The dry, moist and wet consistencies across slope were predominantly hard soft, friable, non-sticky non plastic, slightly sticky and slightly plastic respectively. The result of the soil particle size distribution indicated that the values of sand, silt and clay ranged from 17.6% to 69.6% (mean=46.26%), 6.40% to 64.4% (mean=39.3%) and 12% to 26% (mean=16.43%) respectively. The soils were generally found to be sandy loamy to silty-loamy in texture, while bulk density value was found to be low ranging from 1.19 to 1.66g/cm3. The mean pH ranged from 5.52 – 5.73 and termed to be moderately acidic in reaction. The mean organic carbon, total nitrogen and available phosphorus content obtained in this study ranged from 0.27 – 0.33mg/kg ,0.02 - 0.03g/kg and 6.82 – 6.94mg/kg respectively. The exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, K and Na) were generally found to be medium to high. Management practices....