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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-07
Dietary Step-Down Protein with Addition of Acidifier to Improve Productive Effciency of Broiler Chickens
Mahfudz, L. D, T. A. Sarjana, E. Suprijatna, B. Ma’rifah, N. Suthama
Published: July 28, 2020 | 166 154
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2020.v07i07.005
Pages: 170-176
The purpose of this research was to improve the productive efficiency of broiler chickens through feeding single step-down protein diet, without interferring with either the process of digestionornutrientabsorption, and lowering production costs. The present research was assigned in a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 4 replications. Each replication consisted of 8 birds of one-week old broiler. Treatment applied were P0(control diet without step-down protein and acidifier), P1(step-down protein without acidifier), P2(step-down protein +0.8% citricacid), P3(step-down protein +0.4% lime juice), P4(step-down protein +0.8% lime juice), and P5 (step-down protein +1.2% lime juice). The parameters measured were the performances (feed consumption, body weight, and feed conversion ratio/FCR), muscle protein mass, and protein and energy efficiency). The data were subjected to analysis of variance with F test to determine the effect of treatment, when the treatment indicated significant effect, it was continued to Duncan test. Results showed that the highest feed consumption was found in chickens fed dietarystep-down protein without acidifier (P1), and it was significantly different (P <0.05) from that given dietary step-down protein with additional acidifier of 1.2% (P5). However, body weight, and FCR of P5 were the highest and significantly (P <0.05) different as compared to P1. Similarly, the most efficient protein and energy utilization were also found in P5. In conclusion, the productive efficiency of broiler chickenscan be improved by dietary inclusion of 0.8% citric acid as acidifier into step-down protein diet.