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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-1 | Issue-02
Physiochemical qualities of Damoder river water and turbidity control studies in monsoon season
Deependra Kumar Sinha, Virendra Kumar Anil Kumar
Published: Feb. 24, 2013 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 49-54
A study of the surface water of Damodar River has been made during the monsoon season (rainy). A
remarkable change in physical – chemical qualities has been noticed. A large surface wash out and run off which enhance
the value of chemical oxygen demand in Damoder river water in mansoon season. The predominating suspended
particulates matters which enhanced the turbidity and it was removed some extent by sedimentation process within 1
hour. The amounts of clay types of particles are less than the amount of silks and sands. Some fraction of resident
turbidity, mostly due to ultra clay and colloidal type of particles which cannot be removed easily by simple sedimentation