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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-1 | Issue-03
Experimental Performance of Two-stage Evaporating Cooling System
Azhar Kareem Mohammed
Published: March 30, 2013 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 122-127
Space cooling has become a major source of energy use, such that, during the hot summer months, cooling
performance of two-stage indirect/direct evaporative cooling system is experimentally investigated in the various
simulated climatic conditions. For this purpose, a two-stage evaporative cooling experimental setup consisting of an
indirect evaporative cooling stage (IEC) followed by a direct evaporative cooling stage (DEC) was designed, constructed
and tested. Due to the wide variety of climatic conditions in Erbil, Results show that under various outdoor conditions,
the effectiveness of IEC stage varies over a range of (55–65) % and the effectiveness of two stage IEC/DEC unit varies
over a range of (90-110) %. Aspects of achieving comfort conditions and power saving have been investigated with
related excess water consumption. Considering the evaporative comfort zone, this system can provide comfort condition
in Erbil-Iraq where direct evaporative alone is not able to provide summer comfort condition. More than 60% power
saving could be obtained by this system in comparison with mechanical vapor compression systems with just 55%
increase in water consumption with respect to direct evaporative cooling systems. The final outlet temperature of air in
two stage modes IEC/DEC ranges between 23 0C and 25 0C.