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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-1 | Issue-03
Coagulation performance of magnesium chloride in education institutional waste water
Gobinath.R, Aswathy V Gopal, Arun O S, Arun prakash C, S.Vijayakumar
Published: March 30, 2013 | 175 702
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 140-148
Educational institutions are growing rapidly in our country owing to the increase in demand for higher education. In Tamilnadu itself nearly 2500 higher educational institutions are available which are serving 30 districts. Huge amount of population is using these institutions for their day to day activities, considerable amount of waste water is being generated by each institution. A study conveys that nearly 1 million liters of water is consumed as an average by an University, roughly 80% of its turning to be waste water. Not many institutions are adopting proper treatment methodologies for purifying this waste generated and also not many studies had focussed this area. Mostly the waste water arising out of educational institutions are matching the domestic waste condition, in this research an attempt is made at finding the efficiencies of magnesium sulphate, as chemical coagulant to treat the waste water of educational institution. Similarly, the efficiency of mixture of magnesium chloride with poly electrolyte was tested. The result obtained by adding magnesium chloride proved that it can be use for the treatment of turbidity and transmittance in educational institution waste water. The results obtained when magnesium chloride combined with poly electrolyte were much better. It is found that nearly 97% removal of turbidity is achieved during this study and also 95% transmittance level is achieved, also complete odour removal is obtained by the coagulation process. Hence magnesium chloride can be effectively used as a coagulant aid with any chemical coagulant like polyelectrolyte and alum for treatment of waste water from educational institutions