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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-1 | Issue-03
Removal of colour from textile industry waste water using natural coagulant
Gobinath.R, Arun prakash C, Vijayakumar S, Aswathy V Gopal, Arun O S
Published: March 30, 2013 | 174 155
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 149-153
Mostly the waste water arising out of textile industries are matching the inorganic industrial waste water condition, in this research an attempt is made at finding the efficiencies of powdered natural coagulant alternative to the use of synthetic chemicals to treat the waste water of textile industry. The result obtained by adding M.oleifera proved that the plant can be use for the treatment of turbidity and transmittance in textile industry waste water. The results obtained when the natural coagulant combined with alum were much better. It is found that nearly 97% removal of turbidity is achieved during this study and also 95% transmittance level is achieved, also complete odour removal is obtained by the coagulation process. Hence Moringa oleifera can be effectively used as a coagulant aid with any chemical coagulant like alum for treatment of waste water from dying industries.