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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-1 | Issue-04
Assessing Noise Impact around Airports: A Fuzzy Modeling Approach
Assane Diop, Carlos Alberto Nunes Consenza, Roger Marcelin Faye, FĂ©lix Mora-Camino
Published: April 23, 2013 | 127 117
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 226-231
In this communication the problem of assessing the noise impact of airport operations on surrounding communities is treated. The specific objective of this study is to provide a tool to predict the noise impact resulting from the modification of traffic patterns as a consequence not only of possible traffic increase but also of rearrangements of departure and arrival procedures and tracks. It is a general opinion that to access accurately the noise impact over people, or annoyance, noise cannot be only represented by an overall noise index and the corresponding level areas as produced by software like Integrated Noise Model (INM). The perception of traffic noise near airports is quite subjective and is dependent of many other parameters in general characteristic of the nearby air transport activity. So in this paper, fuzzy modeling is used to generate from traffic information on one side and from a mapping of local activities on the other side, a quantitative evaluation of noise impacts at different locations around an airport. This will allow to identify the critical locations with respect to noise as well as to perform sensitivity analysis studies when comparing different traffic scenarios.