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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-01
Watermarking algorithm for Image coding using Ridgelet Transformation
Madduru Sambasivudu, Dr.V S Giridhar Akula
Published: Jan. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 88-90
Digital Image Watermarking provides copyright protection to digital images by hiding important information
in original image to declare ownership. Perceptual transparency and robustness, capacity and blind watermarking are
main features those determine quality of watermarking scheme. An effective image coding technique which involves
transforming the image into another domain with Ridgelet function and then quantizing the coefficients with modified
TRUST has been presented in this paper. Ridge functions are effective in representing functions that have discontinuities
along straight lines. Normal Wavelet transforms fail to represent such functions effectively. TRUST has been defined for
normal wavelet decomposed images as an embedded quantization process. If the coefficients obtained from Ridgelet
transform of the image with more discontinuities along straight lines have to subject to quantization process with
TRUST, the existing structure of the TRUST should be modified to suit with the output of the Finite Ridgelet Transform
(FRIT). In this paper, a modified SPIHT algorithm for FRIT coefficients has been proposed. The results obtained from
the combination of FRIT with modified TRUST found much better than that obtained from the combination of Wavelet
Transform with TRUST