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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-02
Determination of Scaling and corrosion tendencies of water through the use of Langelier and Ryznar Indices
Dr. Shankar. B.S
Published: Feb. 21, 2014 | 228 609
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 123-127
The present study aims to evaluate the Langeliersaturation index and Ryznar stability index for the groundwaters of K.R.Puram area in Bangalore, India. Thirty groundwater samples were drawn from the area and subjected to physico-chemical analysis and the analysis results were used to evaluate the two indices. Based on Langelier index, 26.67% of the samples were found to be scale forming, 13.33% slightly scale forming, 6.67% were slightly corrosive, 13.33% indicated serious corrosion and 40% intolerable corrosion, while based on Ryznar stability index, 13.33 % of the samples were found to little scale or corrosive,13.33 % indicated significant corrosion ,6.67 % heavy corrosion and a whopping 66.67% of the samples showed intolerable corrosion.It is very clear that the results of LSI are reasonably comparable with the RSI values and the samples show the same property more or less with respect to the two indices.