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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-02
The Design and Construction of an Industrial Mobile Robot
Nathan David, Abioye, Ayodeji Opeyemi
Published: Feb. 22, 2014 | 160 118
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 134-141
This project is aimed at the design, control, and operation of a mobile robot intended for industrial applications.This project is a redesign of an existing work with features added to meet the current trend in robotics and in computer networking. A completely mobile robot with more sensors was achieved. A previous work on robotic arm was analysed with a view of improving it and meeting the limitations encountered (Insufficient motor torque, Heavy robot weight, six degrees of freedom failure, and Lack of flexibility in the entire system). Through Research, these limitations where met. Other Achievements Included the useof encoders and decoder at transmission and reception ends, and the use of printed circuit boards (PCB).Although this project was cost-intensive, time-consuming, and brain-tasking;our mobile robot (JUDCOM1) which was once fiction is now a reality, thanks to the Art of Electronics. Robots like this find application in Auto-manufacturing industries, Electronic manufacturing industries, Power/Energy industries, Health-care industries, aeronautic and aviation amongst several others.