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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-02
Adsorption studies on tannery wastewater using rice husk
Swathi M, Sathya Singh A, Aravind S, Ashi Sudhakar P.K, Gobinath R, Saranya devi D
Published: Feb. 28, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 253-257
Due to the industrial growth in developing countries like India, the ground water system has been largely
polluted, especially heavy metals like chromium which causes severe health problems to human. The removal of such
heavy metals from industrial effluents especially from tannery industry has become a subject of keen interest. This paper
deals with the removal of chromium and other pollutants like COD, iron and sulphate from the tannery wastewater by
using a rice husk as an adsorbent. From the experimental results, it was found that chromium concentration in wastewater
was reduced to the level of 0.67 mg/l, COD was removed upto 68%, sulphate removal was found to be at the level of 67
%, BOD was reduced to the level of 73% and iron reduction was at the level of 81%, Thusit has been proven that the
chromium from the wastewater has been removed upto the level of satisfaction and other pollutants like COD, BOD, iron
and sulphate were also reduced to the satisfactory level. And also it was found that adsorption using rice husk was
cheaper, quicker and more efficient than any other primary treatment of tannery wastewater.