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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-03
A review on GIS based Fuzzy and Boolean logic modelling approach to identify the suitable sites for Artificial Recharge of Groundwater
Prasenjit Bhowmick, S. Mukhopadhyay, V. Sivakumar
Published: March 15, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 316-319
This paper critically reviewed fuzzy and Boolean logic based studies for identifying sites for groundwater
artificial recharge which is very important and necessary to implement with high accuracy and in the possible minimum
time. Using weighted values from Geographical Information System (GIS) environment and with the means of Fuzzy Logic
and Boolean Logic on the thematic layers. The exact type of artificial recharge structure, like Check dam, nallabund, gully
plugging and percolation ponds are selected for an artificial recharge. The conventional practice in water harvesting takes
into consideration of availability of land, suitability of a particular artificial recharge technique depending on local
conditions, and the area benefited. Hence, decisions regarding to the location and type of recharge structure for water
conservation can be made only after extensive geological and hydrogeological studies for regional scale. This leads
investing an enormous amount of time and money in identification of sites suitable for artificial-recharge. The aim of the
paper is to review fuzzy and Boolean logic based study for identifying suitable site for artificial Recharge of Groundwater
with help of GIS and Remote sensing techniques. In this paper, GIS based on fuzzy and Boolean based modelling approach
providing powerful tools for identifying and classifying recharge zones with suitable structures by values ranging between 0
to 1.