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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Hardware Implementation Based on FPGA of AES Encryption and Decryption System
Shi-hai Zhu
Published: March 22, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 352-357
It is not hard to predict that AES algorithm will play an important role in information security field for a long
time in the future after Rijndael algorithm was announced as advanced encryption standard. Hardware implementation based
on FPGA of AES algorithm has the advantages of fast, flexible, short development cycle, etc. Hardware implementation
based on FPGA of AES encryption and decryption system was studied in this paper concerning the problem that hardware
implementation of AES encryption and decryption algorithm on the basis that the overall structure of AES algorithm, basic
transformations, encryption and decryption process were all deeply analyzed. First, implementation scheme and key
technology to adopt internal and external mixing pipeline structure were determined, and the overall design flow chart was
given. Next, considering different application environment, this design supports three modes of encryption and decryption
process of AES algorithm under the condition of data group of 128 bits, key length of 128 bits, 192 bits and 256 bits.
Therefore, system optimization design of AES encryption and decryption algorithm was completed on the same piece of
FPGA chip; Then, coding work and comprehensive compilation was finished by QUARTUS II development tool, and the
simulation results by MODELSIM software was given; Finally, this design realized the balance of resources and speed on
the basis of guaranteeing speed and had greater advantages in performance.