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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Design of Information and Telecommunication Systems with Multi-Hour, Multiservice Traffic and Multilayer Graph Usage
Fouad Wehbe, Ageyev D
Published: March 12, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 395-402
At the current moment, despite the large number of publications in the direction of self-similar traffic studies,
deficit of studies involving the use of models for the synthesis of multi-service telecommunication networks. In this
regard, this article solves the problem of parametric synthesis of multiservice transport network where aggregated traffic
is transmitted from a large number of users. Based on the analysis of publications was selected: model of aggregated
traffic in the form of fractional Brownian motion; formulas for determining the parameters of multicast traffic, which
resulting in aggregation of multiple flows; formulas for delay and the packet loss probability and proposed methods for
the parametrical synthesis of telecommunication networks with the use of these models and formulas. Considered in the
paper is the overlaid nature of modern telecommunication networks and expediency of usage the multi-layer graph model
for its design. General statement of design problem is given. The design method in general using multi-layer graph model
with multi-hour flows and its application for a typical information and telecommunication system is proposed.