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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Prediction of Dustfall Generation over an Andisol and Entisol Soil and Negatife Impact To Human Health
Lia Amaliah, Arief Sabdo Yuwono, Budi Mulyanto
Published: March 22, 2014 | 205 114
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 426-431
Dustfall is one of the parameters of air pollution that can cause upper respiratory tract infections diseases. The objective of the research is to analyze the correlation between dustfall, soil moisture content, wind speed, and the percentage of land cover on Andisol and Entisol soil and prediction negative impacts of dustfall generation to human health. Measurement of dustfall was carried out according to national standard, namely SNI 13-4703-1998. Dustfall generation correlated positively with wind speed and correlated negatively with soil moisture content and the percentage of land cover. Effect of wind speed on the dustfall generation Andisol soil was 23.2% on the measurements in the field and 84.3% on the measurements in the laboratory, and Entisol soil was 68.3% on the measurements in the field and 61.7% on the measurements in the laboratory. Effect of soil moisture content on the dustfall generation Andisol soil was 29.4% on the measurements in the field and 59.4% on the measurements in the laboratory, and Entisol soil was 42.8% on the measurements in the field and 42.1% on the measurements in the laboratory. Effect of the land cover percentage on dustfall generation Andisol soil was 84.5% and Entisol soil 87.6%.