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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Analysis of Wireless Power Transmission for Online Electric Vehicle with Effective Battery Management
P. Remin Babu, A.Rajendran, N. Kanthavelkumaran
Published: March 26, 2014 | 172 137
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 451-455
Due to the consistent increase in energy efficiency issues, studies for improving the charging efficiency and energy density of batteries have been receiving attention in the electric vehicle transportation sector. This paper deals with a Modified On-Line Electric Vehicle (M-OLEV) system which utilizes the dc power system with a pair of battery for reducing loss as well as reducing the size of the required battery capacity. Intensive research on grid integration with (M-OLEV) has not been performed until recently and it is necessary to calculate the power flow analysis considering the unique characteristics of (M-OLEV) for the application of this new system in the transport sector. The dc M-OLEV power system is being investigated for reducing line losses and peak power thereby reducing the electric cost levied on the substation and also switches between batteries in case of discharge of power from the driving battery in order to maintain the vehicle. Verification processes are performed through simulation for various scenarios to examine the effectiveness of the proposed system in terms of power consumption, battery state of charge, peak power, and loss reduction.