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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (RTMS) for the Treatment of Depression, Migraine and Parkinson’s Disease
Shweta Gupta, Shashi Kumar Singh, Birendra Chauhan
Published: March 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 488-490
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (RTMS) is newest methodology for treatment of various
neurological and psychiatric disorders including migraine, stroke, Parkinson's disease ,dystonia, tinnitus and depression.
It basically involves induction of electromagnetic pulses instead of electrical current to activate the brain. An
electromagnetic coil is held against the forehead and short electromagnetic pulses are administered through the coil using
a rapidly changing magnetic field. The magnetic pulse easily passes through the skull, and causes small electrical
currents that stimulate nerve cells in the targeted brain region. This type of pulse generally does not reach further than
two inches into the brain. The magnetic field is about the same strength as that of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)