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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-04
Environmental Monitoring and Greenhouse Control by Distributed Wireless Sensor Network
S. R. Boselin Prabhu, S. Sophia, P. Balamurugan
Published: April 25, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 511-516
A sensor is a miniature component which gauge physical parameters from the environment. Sensors measure
the physical parameters and transmits them either by wired or wireless means. In wireless medium the sensor and its
allied components are called as node. A wireless sensor node is self-assured by a processor, local memory, sensors, radio,
battery and a base station accountable for receiving and processing data collected by the nodes. They carry out
cooperative activities due to limited resources and nowadays, the applications of these networks are copious, varied and
the applications in agriculture are still budding. One interesting purpose is in environmental monitoring and greenhouse
control, where the crop conditions such as weather and soil do not depend on natural agents. To control and observe the
environmental factors, sensors and actuators are necessary. Under these conditions, these devices must be used to make a
distributed measure, scattering sensors all over the greenhouse using distributed clustering mechanism. This paper
reveals an initiative of environmental monitoring and greenhouse control using a sensor network. The hardware
realization shows periodic monitoring and control of greenhouse gases in an enhanced manner.