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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-04
Effects of Waste Glass Powder as Pozzolanic Material in Saw Dust Cement Brick
Omoniyi, T.E, Akinyemi B.A, Fowowe A.O
Published: May 11, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 517--522
This work examines the possibility of using Waste Glass Powder (WGP) as a partial replacement of cement in
saw dust composite brick to assess its pozzolanic activity and its effect on the properties of the composite. WGP was
used to partially replace cement at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% in the production of test samples of
100x100x100mm at binder sand mixing ratio of 1:6. After casting the cubes, they were tested for compressive strength,
water absorption, capillary water absorption and volume porosity. The results indicated that WGP can be used as cement
replacement material up to 30% at particle size less than 100μm to prevent alkali silica reaction and this can be utilized in
the manufacture of non-load bearing sandcrete block without any unfavourable effect. The study further revealed that
waste glass, if ground finer than 100μm shows a pozzolanic behaviour because it reacts with lime at early stage of
hydration forming extra CSH gel thereby forming denser cement matrix. The early consumption of alkalis by glass
particles mitigate alkali-silica reaction by increasing durability of composite brick which is manifested in the result of
volume porosity, water absorption, capillary absorption as well as in the results of sample densities.