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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-04
Pilling Design in the Continental Shelf of Suakin, Red Sea, Sudan
Al-Imam, O. A. O., Kheiralla, K. M., Elzien, S. M, Mohammed A. A
Published: June 30, 2014 | 136 134
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 551-556
The continental shelf of Suakin characterized by high accumulation of sediment due to the high ratio of sedimentation of these sediments are alluvial, sand, silt muddy silty stone were driven by drainage system pattern in surrounding areas. The coral reef limestone was highly weathered buried beneath the alluvial deposits. The overall objective of this study is to Pilling foundation design in the near shore zone through mixed marine deposits for gas/oil terminal construction. In this study Full-Scale Pile-Test is the best applicable method for taking site specific parameters into consideration. The adhesion value was neglected because it is very small in marine environment comparing with pile capacity and effective stress and surrounding soil condition. The settlement obtained to laboratory tests and the consolidation index was used for predication which is between 3.0 -11.5cm.