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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-04
A Video Compression Technique Based On Active Learning Approach
Shireen Fathima, Mohammed Azharuddin Ahmed
Published: April 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 613-620
Many Video compression algorithms manipulate video frames to dramatically reduce the storage requirements
and bandwidth required for transmission while maximizing perceived video quality. Typical video compression methods
first transform the video frames from its spatial domain representation to frequency domain representation using some
transform technique such as Discrete Cosine Transform vector quantization, fractal compression, and Discrete Wavelet
Transform and then code the transformed values. Recently, instead of performing a frequency transformation, machine
learning based approach has been proposed which has two fundamental steps: selecting the most representative pixels
and colorization. Our proposed method converts the color video frames to gray scale frames and the color information for
only a few representative pixels is stored. At the decoder side is all the color values for the gray scale pixels across
frames is predicted. Selecting the most representative pixels is essentially an active learning problem, while colorization
is a semi-supervised learning problem. In this paper, we propose a novel active learning method for automatically
extracting the RP is proposed for video compression. In this paper the active learning problem is formulated into an RP
minimization problem resulting in the optimal RP set in the sense that it minimizes the error between the original and the
reconstructed color frame.