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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Converting Banana Peels from Agricultural residues to Advantageous Substances
Mohammed Nsaif Abbas
Published: Aug. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 719-726
Constantly, increase and vary the human needs and its requirements that don’t expire as a result of witnessed
development of the life in all fields. Whenever the technology is advance in any area, increased human welfare and
rebound his life, whenever it is at the expense of earth planet environment where human live in it along with other
organisms. The most important of these problems is the problem of environmental pollution with various and different
types of toxic and harmful contaminants. This paper is related to the ability of Banana Peel (BP) to remove hexavalent
chromium Cr (VI) ions from simulated synthetic aqueous solutions (SSAS) by adsorption process, after extraction of
Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO) enzyme from BP. The results show that best ability of BP to produce PPO enzyme by
extraction process and the maximum yield of enzyme produced was 14.75% and also show that high capability of BP
waste residue to remove Cr (VI) from SSAS with removal efficiency reach to 93.75%.