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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Aggregated Self-Similar Traffic Parameters Determination Methods for EPS network planning
Qasim Nameer
Published: Aug. 30, 2014 | 124 123
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 727-732
Essential to ensure the effective functioning of EPS (including LTE RAN) is planning efficiency of the network. It was from design methods, the adequacy of mathematical models used in this case, depend the properties and the viability of the future system. Recent studies of the properties of traffic in moderm networks have shown that the use of models of self-similar processes can more accurately describe the traffic transmitted in these networks. Among the published works is a great lack of studies that focus on problems of parametric synthesis of telecommunication network based on the use of models of self-similar processes. In this article, we consider the solution of such problems as the choice of mathematical models of group and individual traffic in EPS network and method of determining flow parameters at their aggregation. Proposed expressions are correct both for self-similar traffic and for Poisson traffic case. As a result of simulation proved the accuracy of the proposed method of determining the traffic parameters when aggregate self-similar traffics. The error in determining the Hurst parameters does not exceed 2%. Other problems, as well as developing a method of parametric synthesis of EPC network will be considered in our future research.