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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-05
A Review On Compressive And Flexural Strength Of Concrete Containing Fly Ash In Normal And Acidic Environment
Nirav Shah, Dishant shah, Harshil Shah, Vatsal. N. Patel
Published: Sept. 30, 2014 | 134 238
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 738-741
Concrete has become an indispensable construction material and it is now used in greater quantities than any other material. In the present context durability, strength, economy and stainable development are key issues for development. Concrete as key ingredient for construction is used to construct various industries and laboratory where it may be exposed to acidic environment which results in loss of material and strength. Thus to make concrete durable against acidic attack admixture may be added. The admixtures such as fly ash, granulated blast furnace slag, rice husk, silica fume etc. can be added to improve the desire property of concrete. Out of all the above, the use of fly ash has gained prominence due to growing awareness about the benefits and easy availability of the good quality fly ash. In India about 60% of power plant runs on coal which produce 175 MT of fly ash per year. More than 70,000 acres of land is presently occupied by ash ponds. Thus using fly ash as construction material helps in sustainable development and makes concrete durable. This paper describes about the results obtained from various research done on the partial replacement of cement with fly ash and other admixtures in concrete.