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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Detection of Security Hacking Attacks by Scan Based TPG Using Verilog
R. Priyadarsini, S. Anusha
Published: Sept. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 769-773
Hardware development of cryptographic algorithms is subject to various attacks. It has been previously
demonstrated that scan chains introduce for hardware testability open a back door to potential attacks. Scan based testing
is one of the mainly used and powerful test technique since it provides full observability and controllability of the
internal nodes of the IC. It has been previously demonstrated that scan chains introduced for hardware testability open a
back door to possible attacks. Here, we propose a scan-protection scheme that provides testing facilities both at
production time and over the course of the circuit’s life. Here the underlying principles to scan-in both input vectors and
expected responses and to compare expected and actual responses inside the circuit. Compared to regular scan tests, this
technique has no impact on the quality of the test or the model-based fault diagnosis. It entails negligible area overhead
and avoids the use of an authentication test mechanism