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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Multi-Period LTE RAN Planning with Operator Profit Maximization (Part 1: Optimization Model Synthesis)
Dmytro Ageyev, Ali Al-Anssari
Published: Sept. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 774-779
The LTE RAN planning is a very vital step for a wireless communication technology. The creation of a network
is not an instantaneous process; it typically goes stage by stage. In this article (first part) an optimization model for the
LTE RAN network planning problem is described. Рarameters such as requirements, the cost of installation and usage of
equipment, the specific income from providing services may change over time in the given optimization model. The
analysis of experiment's results showed that formulation of the problem, which is shown above and presented as a
problem of MILP, allows to obtain the correct solutions from the practical point of view. Comparison of the operator's
profit during the single-period and multi-period planning showed that usage of multi-period planning increase the profit
margin to 12% more than the single-period planning